What they hope to accomplish. 5 steps to help fail-proof your growing service business If you’ve had a book to read that you really didn’t want to read, something long and boring that you had absolutely no interest in save the fact that the subsequent report or essay due on chapter 32 of that book […]
Category Archives: blog
Writing is a great invention Welcome to this review of the gre exam. It is surprising not only how many people fail to take seriously their preparation for this exam, but also, how many people don’t have an understanding of how they can prepare for it. Here we are going to cover not only the […]
An introduction to viral marketing We live in a fast world! Everyone is in a hurry and everything has to be done quickly. It’s all about saving time where you can. In today’s age of technology, mobile phones and computers allow us this speed. Mobile phones even predict what you want to say! This introduces […]
Web-site savvy for pet-care business owners When you’ve created a document – whether it’s an essay, business brochure or cv – the last thing you want is for sloppy mistakes to take away from how excellent your work is. That’s where you need to get good at proofreading your work – and simply using a […]
Global marketing articles – top seven pros for article marketing You’ve probably heard about “blogging” before, and you might even have an idea of what a blog is, but are you absolutely sure you understand the best way to spend your blogging time?affiliate marketing is a great way for ordinary people to start making money […]
A forgotten marketing tool – the postcard To whom are you sending your sales letter? All right. Now what kind of reaction do you want from them? You won’t get a response from everyone. However, depending on your target reader it could be successful at less than 1% or a failure at 20%. It’s the […]
The internet marketing pie: slice it up right or lose There is a great demand from both men and women for a hair removal method that is convenient, economical, as painless as possible, and kind to the skin.there are all sorts of ways to get content for your ezine – you just have to find […]
Math help has never been this entertaining Pick out a paper or electronic planner for them to record their appointments, assignments, and to-dos. I like using a paper planner in conjunction with something electronic to record all phone numbers, addresses and set appointments.if there are other neighbourhood kids in the area that are in the […]
I like to take a walk outside if the weather is nice, and if it’s not, i try climbing the stairs at a leisurely pace. The tools needed for this job is a computer with an internet connection. Spell checkers and grammar checkers simply aren’t human. Paying for this is one and the same thing […]
How to proofread your writing Mamata misra is a community volunteer and anti-violence activist living in austin, texas. She has been published in poetry collections, newsletters, journals, and contributed to the documentary film “veil of silence.” formerly, the programs director of saheli, an organization in austin, texas that assists asian families dealing with domestic abuse, […]